Aloha Spirit Inspired New Year Resolutions


1. Be Kind

One of the main tenets of Hawaii's Aloha Spirit is showing respect and kindness to all humans and creatures, as well as to the Earth. When thinking about ways to share kindness this year, consider not only being kind to the people you encounter, but also how to show an extra little bit of kindness to our lovely planet. It doesn't have to be big or entirely life altering- those are the types of resolutions that only last a few weeks (if you are lucky). It could be as simple as deciding to recycle your mail, or to even just pick up a piece of trash while you are out. 

Also, part of being kind to yourself is to take small steps towards any change you want to make. Dreaming big is awesome- don't stop!- but in terms of application and following those dreams and goals, taking it one step at a time will help you not get overwhelmed or discouraged

2. Slow Down

In case you haven't heard of it before, Hawaii practices what is known as "Island Time." Island Time is a more relaxed approach to managing the clock and going about your day. For vacationers, Island Time is a part of relaxing - there is no where you HAVE to be, you can simply do as you please, whenever you please. For locals, Island Time can be a result of things like heavy traffic, or long lines. Depending on where you have to go, you might not be able to get there quickly or on time. Island Time is about being OK with a slower pace of life- professionally, recreationally, and when things don't go as planned. 

This resolution is specifically for those of who don't live on the Islands and therefore don't have Island Time built into their day-to-day lives. It's about learning to take a breath when we get stopped by an unexpected interruption. Another idea is getting in the habit of slowing down enough to be aware of our surroundings and the beautiful elements of life that go unnoticed otherwise.

3. Practice Self Care

Another avenue of being kind to yourself is taking care of yourself. We all know that relaxing is easier when you are on vacation, especially in a place like Hawaii. The slower pace of Island Time, pleasant weather, and beautiful scenery are elements of Hawaii that make it an ideal place to unwind. However, if you only let yourself relax while on vacation, you might start living for two to three weeks of the year, instead of being able to find joy and peace during all fifty-two. This year, think about spending some time figuring out what helps you relax, and then give yourself permission to actually do those things. 

4. Get Outside - Your Comfort Zone

Hawaii is truly a beautiful place. With beaches and mountains, cities and national parks, the Islands have something for everyone to enjoy, no matter what you like! Add in some of that amazing tropical weather and it is no wonder that locals and vacationers alike spend a lot of time outside soaking it all up. But you don't have to be in Hawaii, or even like the outdoors, to do the same wherever you live. A resolution to "Get Outside More" can mean many things. It can mean, "enjoy my porch more," "walk around my neighborhood more," "go to that place in town I've been meaning to visit for ages but haven't yet," or "let's try something outside of my comfort zone." It doesn't have to mean, "go on a camping trip." Getting out and engaging with the place you spend the majority of your time is a way to bring the adventure and novelty of what we love about vacationing into our normal routines.

5. Pursue a Paradise Mindset 

All four of the previous resolutions lead us to the most important part of the Aloha Spirit- finding and experiencing joy in our lives and sharing it with others. While the primary goal of vacationing is to enjoy your free time as much as possible, pursuing a Paradise Mindset is about learning how to extend aspects of what you enjoy about vacation into your regular routines. Keeping those elements present in your life after you get home is why we call it a "Hawaii Hangover." This year, take the time to find ways to create your own paradise, full of the Aloha Spirit!
