What is Aloha Spirit?
With the new year just around the corner, let's reflect on the meaning of Aloha Spirit!
At its core, Aloha Spirit is about treating each other, ourselves, and the world around us with love and respect. Hawaiians use a helpful acronym with Hawaiian words to help teach about Aloha Spirit. Each letter correlates to a Hawaiian word related to important concepts of Aloha Spirit. We are going to keep our explanations simple to leave space for you to reflect on your own about how each concept relates to you. Let's get started!
A: Akahai = Kindness expressed with Tenderness
L: Lokahi = Working with Unity towards Harmony
O: Oluolu/Oia'i'o = Pleasantness/Honesty
H: Ha'aha'a = Humility
A: Ahonui = Patience and Perseverance
Thanks for learning about the Hawaiian A.L.O.H.A. acronym with us this week! May 2022 overflow with expressions of Aloha Spirit!